woensdag 17 mei 2023

i love to skate

170523 / GODOGOOD is.gd/tiwid

My life is great. I love to live my life and there is so much to be happy with. 

Today i started to skate for a few minutes.
Suddenly i find my old skates in a closet and i decide to skate again. I bought these skates in Alkmaar for a few euro's at a secondhand shop years ago.

The size was right but i didn't dare to go skating before.
The weather is great today to skate through the parc.
I skated for a few minutes and it felt great. Because i had a lot of  backpain in my lower back it is great for me to skate for a few minutes. I should do this more often.

Changing your life starts with one step and suddenly your behavior becomes a habbit.
Hopefully i will skate more in the next days to come.

Ps. i also love cycling 🚴‍♂️ and walking 🚶‍♂️and i used to be great in running 🏃 but nowadays i play a lot of padel 🎾 and tennis at tpcdaalmeer.nl 

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