Pathé Arena
Gangsterboys 12:15-1457 (gereserveerd)
Recep Ivedik 3 15:10-17:01
Shutter Island 17:30-20:03
Nine 20:10-22:23
Zaal 1 20:10 Nine
Who/She's his inspiration. Be Italian ?
(Guido) Maestro Contini Page 1 How do you begin, a movie / story
Theatre, ladies dancing, kiss, choreogrphy, smiles and introduction.
Dante, script and budget ? Directors only, no producers
Claudia Jenssen and Italia ; lie for Italia ?
A clown in pressconferences, want to be here, want to be there.
More show, show more, in for everlasting ? Arrange it !
Considder it done....
Get some rest, take the waters, sleep, get better (no more flops)
Loud and clear, Vatican or mistress Carla calling ?
Wrong room hotel scene, savage.
Lying on table and talks with costume designer. Vedettes/Star.
Folies Bergères ? Entertaining Joy de vie, music.
Laughters, Love and Dreams
Don Mario, the vatican, Cardinal..
Imagination is Gods garden, try harder, make us proud.
Saraghina's dancw pwerformance.
Live today as if it may become your last !
A screenplay is a map,.... Exciting life, dream is theme.
Spin fantasies and give them to all.
Little stories in your head,... Words said ? Write it all !
Thank you for what i am looking at !
Obsessed the best. A lie is like breathing to Guido.
the priviledge of his wife is not having to warn him, but....
(Luisa)His wife ;The absurdity of being you, inventing your own life,
Stephany from Vogue and vodka in the bar of the hotel. Style ?
Dress and undress like a star ? NeoRealism ! Italiano.
The key to her room ? He tries to be close again with Luisa.
Movie people and not bound by morality ? Cara Mia ?
A star, wig and make-up, no script, costumes, a hotel ? And fair ?
They are interested in the way you turn your head,..etc.
Mens daily change of direction by women,.... Be a friend.
It will never end. (We all need someone/eachother.)
The reason why ? YOU.
Nine Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Songs
1) "Overture Delle Donne" (Female Ensemble)
2) "Guido's Song" (Daniel Day-Lewis)
3) "A Call From The Vatican" (Penelope Cruz)
4) "Folies Bergere" (Judi Dench)
5) "Be Italian" (Fergie)
6) "My Husband Makes Movies" (Marion Cotillard)
7) "Cinema Italiano" (Kate Hudson)
8) "Guarda La Luna" (Sophia Loren)
9) "Unusual Way" (Nicole Kidman)
10) "Take It All" (Marion Cotillard)
11) "I Can't Make This Movie" (Daniel Day Lewis)
12) "Finale"
13) "Quando Quando Quando" (Fergie)
14) "Io Baci, Tu Baci" (The Noisettes)
15) "Cinema Italiano" (the Ron Fair Remix performed by Kate Hudson)
16) "Unusual Way" (Griffith Frank)
Zaal 3 17:30 Shutter Island
remember us, for we hav lived.loved and lauched....
Obey protocol , ward a male, b female, c ....
Federal marshall Teddy / Edward,.... final authority, no fire arms.
Dr Cawley, dangerous people and signals.
A moral fusion between clinical order and moral/modern care.
Comfort against violence. The sense of calm.
Teddy Daniels sick or visions.paranormal ?
Menthal institution and vaporation of patient ?
A note : The law of 4, who is 67 ?
Access to medical files of personel and staff and patients.
Rachel Solando is the Quest of this story, .... Where, how?
The truth ?
Usual isn't a regular part of the days in group therapy in menthal institutions. Mahler music. A mineur.
Men of violence are the Psychiatric Doctor his speciality.
Retreat is no option, not raised to run, defence mechanism.
Request, refused ? Is legal immigration a crime ?
Openess in files !
A signal from his dead wife. (fire fragment)
Psychopharmacology, orbitations ? Reach your patients.
Pils and respons, intimite effective. Versus surgery ?
Synchronisity problem during edit cut of interrigations with patients.
With pencil on paper and effect, Water drinking empty glass full glass right hand left hand. ????
SS Dachau story Andrew Laeddis mass murderer is involved and gone ? Where is Rachel Solando ? Bodies to many to count,
AsheCliff is a experimetal island,
Crazy people and Life in Dedham prison ?
OSS, Funding from HUAC ? Fake escape ?
24 in c, 42 in a and b , who is the 67th patient ?
Rachel found ? Safe and sound ?
The light gets to bright. Teddy takes pils against pain,
Scene : You should have saved me, you should have saved all of us.
Lighting sigarets, bloody faces.
See what other people see ?
Crisis : electronic system, fences, gates,doors ....
With matches in dark through ward C to find Laeddis,
Synchronisity problem when Teddy speaks to George. Hand on cel, hand on head, hand on cell, hand on head, jumper.
On the road to the Lighthouse Chuck gets lost and rats come out of caves,
Cafcass ? Kafkaeske ervaring/meningen recess, denial.
PsychotherapicDrugs ? electroshock therapy obedience ?
How pain enters the body ? brain controls pain,- fear, sleep ???
Tests on patients on Shutter Island. no one escapes,... 2 years of ChloorPodogram? Memory problems ? Anagram of 4 names, same letters. Good story instead of Bad !
Permanent messures : Lobotomie.
Lester Sheehan as Chuck / psychiater of friend ?
Dolores : This would be the end of you ! I tolf you ....
(a whole life in mind or memory ?) Sinner or Saint ?
Repetitive actions and lies to make the unbarable truth be forgotten.
The main issue is, what is worse, live as a bad person or die as a good.
Turks Nederlands Woordenboek
Turks naar Nederlands vertalen ?
Zaal 12 15:10 Recep Ivedik 3 (Turkse film)
Recep is down en bezeten door een djinn en wil geen Dolma, 30 dikke Turkse wijven met verbrande kousen, 5 maanden niet in bad.
Elke dag dezelfde droom, Een Opa in de hemel
Een gebedsgenezer/zielendokter, een smerig drankje met allerlei kruiden en een aantal sessies dienen Recep te bevrijden,
Verdoofdheid en misselijkheid moeten de djinn verjagen.
Een tai-chi sessie op een weiland brengt Recep jeuk van dee mieren.
Eenmaal beschoten door zijn jagende vrienden komt hij bij het MedicalPark om de kogelkorrels uit zijn bips te verwijderen.
Recep neemt baklava van 120 lagen uit Gungören mee naar een psycholoog, maar gaat met meer stress na vele testjes weer verder.
20 sessies voor 3000 dollard worden Recep echt te veel,
De baklava gaat weer mee naar huis.daar draait hij door.
De filmsverkoper van de straat scheld hij uit terwijl hij een film gratis meeneemt. Een meisje wat op bezoek komt laat hij met moeite binnen. Zijn hersenen zitten in een error-stand.
Als zijn nichtje Zeynep dan toch bij hem logeert ontstaan diverse gesprekjes.hij verschoont het bed voor haar wat al maanden niet gereinigd is, gaat mee naar de Universiteit.
Daar legt hij de stelling neer dat studenten moeten kunnen vragen en dat de Professor antwoorden dient te leveren, dat is zij perfecte schoolsysteem.
Eenmaal de klas uitgestuurd, sloopt hij een laptop als hij daarmee een vlieg wil vangen. Toch regelt hij een nieuwe.
Zijn geest is geruineerd, geen sociale activiteiten, dus.... judo
Agressiebeheersing, paintbal, Osmanen Turan-Tactiek.
Blokfluiten (door de neusgaten) en song van tayfun.
Pottebakken met een verstoord evenwicht.
Koken en bakken en voorproeven,
Voetbal kijken.
Dansen met een buikje en geen gevoel voor ritme en balans,
Rummicub, etc. Niets verbeterd zijn houding/gedrag.
Turks theater,... Recep leeft zich in en is een held.
Je moet mij zijn, om mij te begrijpen.
Geblondeerd door de kapper van Zeynep loopt hij boos naar huis en kwaad opend hij de deur van zijn huis waar hij voor zijn 35e verjaardag een echt verassingsfeestje vol familie en vrienden treft.
Met een geit Behlul als room-mate wandelt hij door het park.
Zo ontmoet hij een hele leuke vrouw,
Vertaling van Nederlands naar Turks Woordenboek
Zaal 9 12:15 Gangsterboys Geinig filmpje !
Turks, half turks, bambie en choco bounty,PoPo en de nep Gangsterboys, rappen en neppen. Familie en dromen.
2 turken, jurken, 2 ton en klusjes.
Drugsdealende Brabantse gek, schetende afrikaanse voodoo dokter, joodse schoonmaker en mond op mond beademing. Pipo presentatortje, noodlot of GOD, Gangsterguns.
Spugen op alles wat echt nep is
Zie Trailer : Gangsterboys
Onderwerp: Film reviews Pathé Unlimited Tuesday 23 Februari 2010
extra notes
10:00 Probleem bij NS oplaadpunt/ ov kortingskaart nog niet opgeladen ?
17:21 De toiletten zijn weer erg vies, veel stift bekladdingen, wit en zwart.
Grond is niet schoon of nat. Wc bril vies, geen reiniger ?
Blauw licht, maar ook een ongename geur.
Rare poster reclames, gaten in de muren en wc rollen soms erg lastig af te rollen.
Krassen op spiegels, deuren beklad met rare en foute teksten.
Weinig onderhoud ?
Drukte bij automaten, systeem werkt goed, drukte bij kassa en in rij voor naar de zalen. Vriendelijk personeel.
Makkelijk reserveren via mobieltje. Login, klantnr en password dan filmbevestigen door email username en wachtwoord. Dubbel login ?
Zalen druk ivm vakantietijd. Veel popcorn op grond in hal.
17:31 reservering geregeld nr 5694 voor film Nine 20:10 > Zaal 3 17:30 Shutter Island
18:00 Recep Idevik 3 was uitverkocht maar al gezien vandaag, loopt storm voor vanavond latere voorstelling nog iets van 70 kaarten.
Sneak Preview mogelijk, maar voor mij nu de film : Nine ivm reservering.
Automaat bleef even hangen, 2 waren defect, error, diverse text berichten in beeldscherm van 2 kaartautomaten.
Geen rij voor naar de zalen
Een wc die best schoon is, een deur die helaas beklad is met zwarte stift, gelukkig wc bril reiniger vloeistof in clearstart apparaat en voldoende wc papier. Jammer dat er een politieke partij reclame maakt op de poster in de altermedia bevestiging op de deur.
Een paar gaten door de verplaatsing van de wcrolhouder maar verder geen bijzonderheden.
GODOGOOD is een naam, een woord, een aantal sites, een begrip om iets goeds te doen, een logo en label, een trademark, een merk om goede doelen te ondersteunen, een sociaal netwerk, voor en door mensen ! GO DO GOOD voor iedereen !
woensdag 24 februari 2010
donderdag 11 februari 2010
What is a cold sore?
Cold sore, known medically as herpes labialis are very common and are easily recognised because they often appear as blisters around the lips and mouth.
They pop up in response to a viral infection.They are often uncomfortable and can make some people feel very self-conscious.
info on : well
Bin the junk and cram in the healthy stuff. Eat a balanced, varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
watch out on holidays
Take sun cream and sun block for the lips (to help moisturise and protect against U.V.) when you’re heading for the beach or the slopes.
keep it clean
Wash face twice a day with a mild soap and wash hands thoroughly after touching or treating a cold sore.
be careful
When you’re washing your face or applying make up, don’t spread the infection from your lips to your eyes – and watch out if you use contact lenses too. Don’t ever use saliva to wet your lenses!
get some sleep!
Stack up on the ZZZZs when you can, it boosts your immune system.
keep living your life!
Although cold sores may be painful they don't last forever and they're not life threatening.
cover up
Cosmetic concealing sticks (ideally with a sunblock) are really effective. But remember, if you use one, don't share it and don’t reuse it after the cold sore’s gone.
slather on the Zovirax
Not only does it keep your cold sore moisturised, the antiviral ingredient can stop the virus reproducing and helps it clear up faster.
ask for advice
It is always wise to check with your pharmacist before putting anything on cold sores, as some things can just make them worse.
take care of your lips
Any type of damage to your lips can make you more vulnerable to a cold sore.
keep out of cold winds
Wrap up well – wind-burn can also damage your lips or face and make it easy for a cold sore to take hold.
Things like towels, glasses or plates shouldn’t be shared. These can all spread the virus through contact with your saliva.
Kissing’s off the agenda or you’re very likely to pass on the virus. Be really careful around anyone who’s ill, pregnant or has eczema.
fool around
Be careful when you have sex - if you kiss your partner, they could get a cold sore too. As for oral sex, don’t do it. If the cold sore hasn’t healed completely, you could give your partner genital herpes.
Get a tan, get a cold sore
Turns out that strong sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) light can trigger cold sores. Seems that not even the boffins can really explain why, but lips are exposed and have a relatively thin covering of skin - so next time you're out in the sun, take extra care.
Weather it well
Winter can be the worst time of year for cold sores, probably something to do with the cold (hence the name). Wrap up well, and try to avoid that chilly wind-burn on lips or areas you’re prone to an attack.
Bit of a no-brainer this one. No one exactly knows why but when you're stressed out, the virus takes advantage and piles on the agony.
Party on, party's off
Talk about a party pooper. The less kip you get, the greater chance for the herpes simplex virus to put in an appearance. That's because lack of sleep affects your immune system.
Got a cold? Get a cold sore
It's pretty obvious really but if you're run down with a cold or flu or other infection, it's the perfect cue for that nasty old herpes simplex virus to pop up its ugly head. Seems that if you get eczema, you can also get cold sores more frequently.
Periods, what a pain
Guess what? The cold sore virus can spring into action around your monthly periods. At least you can be ready for it.
If you ever bump them, burn them or bash them, have you noticed what can happen to your lips? Damage aggravates your immune system and hey presto, a cold sore appears.
That blue line's like a green light for cold sores. Whether you feel blooming marvellous or blooming terrible, all those changes and stresses are a great opening for the herpes simplex virus. (Zovirax Cold Sore Cream is not recommended for use in pregnancy).
Cold sore, known medically as herpes labialis are very common and are easily recognised because they often appear as blisters around the lips and mouth.
They pop up in response to a viral infection.They are often uncomfortable and can make some people feel very self-conscious.
info on : well
Bin the junk and cram in the healthy stuff. Eat a balanced, varied diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
watch out on holidays
Take sun cream and sun block for the lips (to help moisturise and protect against U.V.) when you’re heading for the beach or the slopes.
keep it clean
Wash face twice a day with a mild soap and wash hands thoroughly after touching or treating a cold sore.
be careful
When you’re washing your face or applying make up, don’t spread the infection from your lips to your eyes – and watch out if you use contact lenses too. Don’t ever use saliva to wet your lenses!
get some sleep!
Stack up on the ZZZZs when you can, it boosts your immune system.
keep living your life!
Although cold sores may be painful they don't last forever and they're not life threatening.
cover up
Cosmetic concealing sticks (ideally with a sunblock) are really effective. But remember, if you use one, don't share it and don’t reuse it after the cold sore’s gone.
slather on the Zovirax
Not only does it keep your cold sore moisturised, the antiviral ingredient can stop the virus reproducing and helps it clear up faster.
ask for advice
It is always wise to check with your pharmacist before putting anything on cold sores, as some things can just make them worse.
take care of your lips
Any type of damage to your lips can make you more vulnerable to a cold sore.
keep out of cold winds
Wrap up well – wind-burn can also damage your lips or face and make it easy for a cold sore to take hold.
Things like towels, glasses or plates shouldn’t be shared. These can all spread the virus through contact with your saliva.
Kissing’s off the agenda or you’re very likely to pass on the virus. Be really careful around anyone who’s ill, pregnant or has eczema.
fool around
Be careful when you have sex - if you kiss your partner, they could get a cold sore too. As for oral sex, don’t do it. If the cold sore hasn’t healed completely, you could give your partner genital herpes.
Get a tan, get a cold sore
Turns out that strong sunlight or ultraviolet (UV) light can trigger cold sores. Seems that not even the boffins can really explain why, but lips are exposed and have a relatively thin covering of skin - so next time you're out in the sun, take extra care.
Weather it well
Winter can be the worst time of year for cold sores, probably something to do with the cold (hence the name). Wrap up well, and try to avoid that chilly wind-burn on lips or areas you’re prone to an attack.
Bit of a no-brainer this one. No one exactly knows why but when you're stressed out, the virus takes advantage and piles on the agony.
Party on, party's off
Talk about a party pooper. The less kip you get, the greater chance for the herpes simplex virus to put in an appearance. That's because lack of sleep affects your immune system.
Got a cold? Get a cold sore
It's pretty obvious really but if you're run down with a cold or flu or other infection, it's the perfect cue for that nasty old herpes simplex virus to pop up its ugly head. Seems that if you get eczema, you can also get cold sores more frequently.
Periods, what a pain
Guess what? The cold sore virus can spring into action around your monthly periods. At least you can be ready for it.
If you ever bump them, burn them or bash them, have you noticed what can happen to your lips? Damage aggravates your immune system and hey presto, a cold sore appears.
That blue line's like a green light for cold sores. Whether you feel blooming marvellous or blooming terrible, all those changes and stresses are a great opening for the herpes simplex virus. (Zovirax Cold Sore Cream is not recommended for use in pregnancy).
zaterdag 6 februari 2010
20:45 zaal 3 Tushinski Pathé : Un Prophet
3 hours of knowledge about power, manipulations, stress and the life in a prison.
Not like prison-break (probably less fixated on entertainment)
The Arab who makes a way through life in prison, kills for his own protection ?
Why he is in prision is for me a question unsolved, but i will see this movie in the future more often !
impressingly, amazing how someone can have so much power when one is already in prison.
Some say it is the best movie ever, but i think it is in my top 10.
It open's up eyes. You can't imagine how difficult it can be in prison.
unfortunately i missed the first 2 or 3 minutes, but i am glad i've seen the movie.
read more about the story in reviews online >
Nominated for Oscar. Another 8 wins & 13 nominations
19:15 zaal 8 de Munt Pathé : The spy nextdoor
a really funny movie with a lot of nice jokes.
As a vegetarian i can say it was shocking to laugh about to see a pig eat bacon.
The kids play very well,
16:40 zaal 8 de Munt Pathé : The Box
1976 Virginia
Norma & her husband Arthur Lewis and her son Walter live in Virginia U.S.A.
Don't ever push a button without knowing the concequences !
great effects, especcially when the water drops on the bed ! AQUA EFFECT !
Scarry / Alfred Hichcock kind of movie,
People getting blood-noses and hypnosed by a system.
Once you have chosen to kill someone, you will be chosen in the future to suffer a great deal of pain and suffering.
Arlington Steward a CHARACTER without a concience and a strange character with an indecent proposal,.... Push a button, CONCEQUENCE : kill someone you don't know.... and get BRIBERY MONEY ???? AN AMOUNT1.000.000 dollard,.... But every action has it's concequences. you can't go back, safe your loved once !
The 1 toed foot of Norma (Cameron Diaz) and the half face (Alrington Steward = Frank Langella) are symbols of identity crisis, selfesteem... and emotional values wich make the characters live stronger and get a higher state of simple sense of seriousness and feelings of mystic and magic. Mindfullness, emotional, shocking, love and about after life.
Terror ? feeling sorry for chosen choices. having regrets or none.
Save us all by not pushing buttons ....
Just see it to believe it,.... Master piece with beautifull Cameron Diaz.
More about Cameron Diaz on :
14:10 zaal 1 de Munt Pathé : Astro boy
imagi studios Kristen Bell.... Nicolas Cage
Robots, klusjes, Toby en Dokter Tennema?(vader)
Toetsen 100%,een eigen O.RRIN robot, vader als hologram in auto
The peacekeeper, Ministerie van wetenschap,....
D class interceptor verouderd?
Kernenergie, lichtjaren, kleine deeltjes in MetroCity en op oppervlakte /sorthoop van oude robots / vuilnisbak.
Dromer, geniaal of gevaarlijke gek.
Negatieve rode energie, neutraliseren ?
Als een robot andere robots hun controle overneemt om alle robots te vernietigen en de mensheid in gevaar brengt,
Waar is Toby de jongen/man die de klus mag en kan oplossen? Verdwenen in het niets?
Een robot replica door genetische upload dankzij de wetenschappelijke meester en vader van Toby uit een haar van Toby.
3-dimensionaal rekenen, - maal - is altijd plus....
Descartes, socrates? leonardi d'avinci
Een copy van toby: gemaakt uit blauwe kern energie en haar van Toby: Astro boy: verstaat andere robots, kan vliegen met vuur uit voeten, word verstoten door maker/vader?!
Vrienden/ sukkelaars van de oppervlakte: witje....
Robotski, mike de koelkast, kamaraden,,,, vrije robots.
RRF (Robot Revolutie Federatie) en robots regels, de robot wetten, ....
Naam voor Toby : Astro (mission Forwards and Up)
Undercover van Metro City
Spelen met vuilnisbakkie de robothond.
Brengt Z.O.G. Weer tot leven.
Helpt en red Cora.
Mr squeegee and Mr Squirt
When red and blue come together....
12:00 zaal 2 Tushinski : A single man.
Serious emotions, unlogic lifestyle, sofisticated actions.
Gay and depressed, socialy disordered, living in the past.
George since 1938 L.A.
Fade to black presents > COLOUR EFFECTS / BLACK AND WHITE
16 years with Jim.(no scènes ONLY FLASHBACKS)
Friday 30 november 1962 car in snow upsitedown, man with blod on head, dead. Man 2 kisses on mouth the dead man,. Waking up
8 months of hell. I know now what part i am supposed to play !
Used mescaline and shaved of eyebrows.
Buys bullets for2.29 $ and smokes sigarettes with A spanish model.
This is kind of a serious day for me !
The dumbest creatures are always the happiest, just look at your mother.
Chilling with his charming neighbour Charlotte / Charley and dancing on great music. Morbido or libido ?
George and Jim or a real realationship? A substititude ?
Remember, i have all the answers.
Scotch and Luckey Strikes,
Mr Potter, apreciated little gift, Your class is great.
Quoted Huxley, experience is not what happens to a man.
It's what a man does with the experience that happens to this man.
I realize that everything is exactly the way it is ment to be!
And just like that, it came.... ???? Died on drinking/drugs
20:45 zaal 3 Tushinski Pathé : Un Prophet
3 hours of knowledge about power, manipulations, stress and the life in a prison.
Not like prison-break (probably less fixated on entertainment)
The Arab who makes a way through life in prison, kills for his own protection ?
Why he is in prision is for me a question unsolved, but i will see this movie in the future more often !
impressingly, amazing how someone can have so much power when one is already in prison.
Some say it is the best movie ever, but i think it is in my top 10.
It open's up eyes. You can't imagine how difficult it can be in prison.
unfortunately i missed the first 2 or 3 minutes, but i am glad i've seen the movie.
read more about the story in reviews online >
Nominated for Oscar. Another 8 wins & 13 nominations
19:15 zaal 8 de Munt Pathé : The spy nextdoor
a really funny movie with a lot of nice jokes.
As a vegetarian i can say it was shocking to laugh about to see a pig eat bacon.
The kids play very well,
16:40 zaal 8 de Munt Pathé : The Box
1976 Virginia
Norma & her husband Arthur Lewis and her son Walter live in Virginia U.S.A.
Don't ever push a button without knowing the concequences !
great effects, especcially when the water drops on the bed ! AQUA EFFECT !
Scarry / Alfred Hichcock kind of movie,
People getting blood-noses and hypnosed by a system.
Once you have chosen to kill someone, you will be chosen in the future to suffer a great deal of pain and suffering.
Arlington Steward a CHARACTER without a concience and a strange character with an indecent proposal,.... Push a button, CONCEQUENCE : kill someone you don't know.... and get BRIBERY MONEY ???? AN AMOUNT1.000.000 dollard,.... But every action has it's concequences. you can't go back, safe your loved once !
The 1 toed foot of Norma (Cameron Diaz) and the half face (Alrington Steward = Frank Langella) are symbols of identity crisis, selfesteem... and emotional values wich make the characters live stronger and get a higher state of simple sense of seriousness and feelings of mystic and magic. Mindfullness, emotional, shocking, love and about after life.
Terror ? feeling sorry for chosen choices. having regrets or none.
Save us all by not pushing buttons ....
Just see it to believe it,.... Master piece with beautifull Cameron Diaz.
More about Cameron Diaz on :
14:10 zaal 1 de Munt Pathé : Astro boy
imagi studios Kristen Bell.... Nicolas Cage
Robots, klusjes, Toby en Dokter Tennema?(vader)
Toetsen 100%,een eigen O.RRIN robot, vader als hologram in auto
The peacekeeper, Ministerie van wetenschap,....
D class interceptor verouderd?
Kernenergie, lichtjaren, kleine deeltjes in MetroCity en op oppervlakte /sorthoop van oude robots / vuilnisbak.
Dromer, geniaal of gevaarlijke gek.
Negatieve rode energie, neutraliseren ?
Als een robot andere robots hun controle overneemt om alle robots te vernietigen en de mensheid in gevaar brengt,
Waar is Toby de jongen/man die de klus mag en kan oplossen? Verdwenen in het niets?
Een robot replica door genetische upload dankzij de wetenschappelijke meester en vader van Toby uit een haar van Toby.
3-dimensionaal rekenen, - maal - is altijd plus....
Descartes, socrates? leonardi d'avinci
Een copy van toby: gemaakt uit blauwe kern energie en haar van Toby: Astro boy: verstaat andere robots, kan vliegen met vuur uit voeten, word verstoten door maker/vader?!
Vrienden/ sukkelaars van de oppervlakte: witje....
Robotski, mike de koelkast, kamaraden,,,, vrije robots.
RRF (Robot Revolutie Federatie) en robots regels, de robot wetten, ....
Naam voor Toby : Astro (mission Forwards and Up)
Undercover van Metro City
Spelen met vuilnisbakkie de robothond.
Brengt Z.O.G. Weer tot leven.
Helpt en red Cora.
Mr squeegee and Mr Squirt
When red and blue come together....
12:00 zaal 2 Tushinski : A single man.
Serious emotions, unlogic lifestyle, sofisticated actions.
Gay and depressed, socialy disordered, living in the past.
George since 1938 L.A.
Fade to black presents > COLOUR EFFECTS / BLACK AND WHITE
16 years with Jim.(no scènes ONLY FLASHBACKS)
Friday 30 november 1962 car in snow upsitedown, man with blod on head, dead. Man 2 kisses on mouth the dead man,. Waking up
8 months of hell. I know now what part i am supposed to play !
Used mescaline and shaved of eyebrows.
Buys bullets for2.29 $ and smokes sigarettes with A spanish model.
This is kind of a serious day for me !
The dumbest creatures are always the happiest, just look at your mother.
Chilling with his charming neighbour Charlotte / Charley and dancing on great music. Morbido or libido ?
George and Jim or a real realationship? A substititude ?
Remember, i have all the answers.
Scotch and Luckey Strikes,
Mr Potter, apreciated little gift, Your class is great.
Quoted Huxley, experience is not what happens to a man.
It's what a man does with the experience that happens to this man.
I realize that everything is exactly the way it is ment to be!
And just like that, it came.... ???? Died on drinking/drugs
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